Our meal calculator will show you an amount to feed based on the weight and age of your dog. The industry standard for this calculation is 2-3% of adult body weight (the percentages for growing puppies are different). Our calculator recommends an amount just over 2%.
For many owners who have not fed raw food before, the recommended quantity seems very small in comparison to how much dry food they were feeding before. Don't worry! The meal calculator and subscription quantities are correct.
The reason for this difference is that dry and processed food is bulked up with fillers, such as wheat, rice, or potato, and the overall protein content is lower... so the dog must eat more of it to get the nutrients they need. Raw food is 70-80% meat and much higher in protein, so to get the nutrients the animal requires less food. It's that simple.
And you must not be tempted to feed treats on top of this amount - you need to adjust the meals to allow for other foods. Here's an example: a 10kg dog will need 200-300g per day - our calculator recommends 210g per day. If you feed treats, say 30g per day, you should feed your dog 180g of raw food.
If you have concerns about this please get in touch to discuss the amount to feed. Some animals have higher metabolisms than others and just need to eat more. Others may need to lose or gain weight. Any significant or rapid weight changes may be a sign of an underlying medical condition so you should speak with your vet.